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  • Article 1. Name (and Location)
    The name of the society shall be the International Society for the Philosophy of Architecture (“ISPA” or “Society’).
  • Article 8. Paper Submissions, Peer Review Criteria & Procedure, and Publication"
    8.1 Submissions. Any member or invited keynote speaker may formally submit a paper for presentation at a Society meeting or directly to the Journal for consideration. Paper submissions shall adhere to the Submission Guidelines published in each issue of the Journal and on the ISPA website. 8.2 Peer Review Criteria & Procedure. All papers submitted for presentation at a society meeting or those submitted directly to the Journal for consideration shall be double-blind peer reviewed by no less than one (1) person from the philosophic community, and one (1) from the architecture community. All paper submissions shall be uniformly evaluated by the Journal editors, editorial team, or editors deemed by them to have the necessary and proper qualifications, based on specific review criteria published in each issue of the Journal and made available on the ISPA website. Notwithstanding the general requirement for peer review, the journal editors, at their sole discretion, MAY exempt invited keynote addresses from the double-blind peer review process. 8.3 Peer Review Criteria — Alteration or Amendment. The double-blind peer review criteria and review procedure are core values of the Society and its academic standards. As such, any alterations or amendments, whether proposed by any member or the Editorial Board, shall proceed in accordance with the relevant provisions of Article 11, and shall only be adopted following a two-thirds majority vote of the Business Group. 8.4 Consent to Publish. All persons, with the exception of invited keynote speakers, submitting papers for presentation at Society conferences, symposia, and workshops, or directly to the Journal agree, by the act of submitting a paper that (i) submissions have not been previously published, (ii) ISPA Journal shall have first right of refusal as to whether to publish the submission, and (iii) submissions shall be construed as unencumbered consent to allow the Journal to publish any submission it chooses. Paper authors further understand that they may not submit a paper and subsequently refuse to allow its publication in a manner deemed appropriate by the Journal. In the event that a submitted paper is not published within one (1) year of submittal, the author may withdraw their paper from consideration. 8.5 Biennial Conference, Publication. Since the ISPA journal, Architecture Philosophy, and its website,, are the official publication outlets for the Society, conference organizers understand and agree that their role as event organizers is to function on behalf of, and in support of ISPA, and thus their role as organizers is limited to selecting and curating papers for publication. The roles and responsibilities of organizers do not include seeking other outlets for publication of any materials submitted for presentation at ISPA events. As such, a selection of the invited papers will be published only with the ISPA journal. Notwithstanding this restriction, the Business Group in conjunction with the Editorial Board and its senior management shall have the authority to consider other publication venues.
  • Article 3. Membership
    3.1. Regular Members. Membership in the Society shall be open to all persons interested in furthering the purposes of the Society through publication, teaching, professional practice, or other forms of academic or professional advocacy. Any interested person may attain membership in the Society by registering on the Society’s website and paying at least one (1) year’s dues and regular dues thereafter. 3.1.1 Non-member Institutions. In addition to Regular Members, Institutions such as Colleges and Universities, Private Foundations, and Non-profit Organizations shall be allowed to subscribe to the ISPA journal without becoming a Regular Member. 3.1.2 ‘Friends of ISPA.’ Other research groups, organizations, and learned societies, whose purposes, aims, aspirations and activities are consistent with and supportive of ISPA, the ISPA Journal, and whose scholarly interests at times align with those of the Society shall be acknowledged as ‘Friends of ISPA.’ Any such acknowledgement shall be at the discretion of the Business Group, and shall be confirmed by a simple majority vote. This recognition is honorific, and does not automatically bestow membership or other privileges in the Society. However ‘Friends of ISPA’ shall be allowed to subscribe to the ISPA journal without becoming a Regular Member. 3.2. Membership Dues. Membership dues shall be paid on a biennial basis (once every other-year), collected at the biennial International Conference, or by other appropriate means consistent with these bylaws. Each member shall pay dues based on their current academic and professional standing: i) Students $ 20 / 2 years ii) Academics & Professionals $ 50 / 2 years The Business Group, by a simple-majority vote, may adjust the amount and frequency member dues are payable, and may consider the adoption of one or more special category of Regular Membership where the payment of dues is not required. 3.3 Member Voting Rights. Since the Society’s founding principles include the promotion and maintenance of diversity, organizational transparency, and a balance of leadership, each Regular Member shall have one (1) vote on those matters for which they are eligible to cast a vote, namely: i) Election and/or replacement of Business Group Members (Section 4.2), and ii) Ratification of Society dissolution (Section 11.3) 3.4 ISPA Journal. Regular Members, Non-member Institutions, and “Friends of ISPA’ shall be entitled to receive one (1) copy of each issue of the Journal published in the period for which dues are paid. 3.5 Expulsion. Any member may be expelled from the Society, for acting in direct violation of the Society’s interests, purposes or bylaws by a two-thirds vote of the Business Group.
  • Article 10. Transparency and Accountability
    10.1 Acceptance of Funds. To prevent the Society from being adversely affected in the achievement of its aims, it shall not accept monetary funds or material assistance from any person, entity or institution, when such acceptance would subordinate the Society to would-be benefactors; obligate it to demonstrate allegiance to aims and purposes not consistent with those of the Society; or subject ISPA to undue pressure by external influence. 10.2 Neutrality Regarding Gender, Race, Ethnicity, Orientation, Disability, Academic Standing and School of Thought. As a core principle or the Society, ISPA endeavors to give equal voice to all persons who seek membership in the organization, wish to engage in Society activities, seek to publish in Society organs, present papers at Society events, serve as members of the Business Group or the Editorial Board, without discriminating amongst them based on their gender, gender identity, race, ethnicity, orientation, physical ability, religious affiliation, academic or professional standing or school of thought. A core aim of the Society is to embrace and foster academic freedom, diversity and inclusivity. The Society, similar to other learned societies, specifically affirms that it prospers from the global exchange of ideas and the free movement of scholars, researchers, academics, students, licensed professionals, and others committed to the pursuit of academic and educational activities. As such, persons with unpopular views, who may contest a dominant way of thinking, or express minority viewpoints, shall not be rejected solely on that basis. The view-equity ISPA seeks is a principled forbearance based on establishing a fair framework for the open expression and reciprocal exchange of ideas and not on an evaluation of the character of the speaker. Each person and the views they espouse shall be evaluated on the merits of those views. However, such forbearance need not imply limitless acceptance. The Society need NOT give space to points of view that engage in or promulgate the following intolerant tendencies: Refusal to engage in rational debate, Failure to allow their own adherents exposure to alternative points of view, or Interference with the reciprocal liberty of others. In the event of a controversy that cannot be adequately resolved by event organizers or the Editorial Board, the Business Group, acting in its sole discretion, may endeavor to reach an equitable solution. 10.3 Principle of Charity. While the Society recognizes that open, honest and robust debate is essential for the accomplishment of its aims, it also holds that in seeking to understand the points of view, positions, or arguments presented by others within the Society, as well as those outside it, ISPA members shall endeavor to construe those views and arguments from the strongest, most persuasive form—rationally reconstructing them, if necessary, to foster greater communication and comprehension—prior to subjecting them to scrutiny and evaluation. Proper representation of another’s work is antecedent to any successful refutation. As such, members shall endeavor to advance useful constructive criticism interpreting each other’s work such that it makes the most sense from a logical point of view.
  • Article 11. Amendments & Interpretation of the Bylaws
    11.1 Amendments. Once ratified by a three-fourths majority of the Business Group, these bylaws may be altered, amended, added to, or repealed and new bylaws adopted by a two-thirds majority of the Business Group via an in-person meeting, telephone or video-conference, electronic mail, or secure electronic ballot, or combination of such means. Proposed amendments may be submitted by members of the Business Group, Officers, journal Editors, or members of the Editorial Board for consideration at any regular or special meeting of the Business Group. Amendment proposals shall be submitted directly to the ISPA Secretary who shall be responsible for distribution to all members of the Business Group for review and consideration prior to deliberation and voting. Unless the matter is of an urgent time-critical nature, the minimum review period prior to a scheduled Business Group meeting shall be sixty (60) days; all proposals shall be submitted in a manner that permits timely and orderly distribution and circulation during the review period. The Secretary shall be responsible for conducting and recording the vote. At a minimum, the Business group shall, as part of its meeting at biennial conferences, convene to review, discuss and act upon proposed amendments. Notwithstanding the requirement to act on proposed amendments at the biennial conference, the Business Group may hold special meetings for the purpose of acting upon proposed amendments that significantly impact central aspects of the Society’s operation, such as, its core values, the operation of the Business Group, or the responsibilities of officers. All amendments that are approved by the Business Group shall be published in either the society’s journal or on its website. 11.2. Interpretation of Bylaws. In the event that these bylaws require interpretation or clarification, as to their meaning, and effect, such interpretations shall be rendered by a two-thirds majority of the Business Group, whose judgement shall be final. 11.3. Termination and Dissolution. The Society may, at any time, undertake to cease it activities, transfer its activities, transfer any copyrights it may hold, in whole or in part, to another successor organization, or dissolve itself, only upon a three-fourths vote of the Business Group and subsequently ratified by a vote of three-fourths of the Regular Members.
  • Article 4. Society Governance
    4.1 Interim Governance. Until such time as some form of legal incorporation occurs, the governance, management, and coordination of the Society’s operations and activities will be undertaken by the Business Group, in consultation with ISPA Officers. Business Group. 4.2 Eligibility, Nominations, and Elections. Any member seeking to serve on the Business Group shall have participated in at least one (1) Society Biennial Conference prior to seeking service, and shall be properly nominated. Nominations and self-nominations to serve on the Business Group may originate with any ISPA regular member, including current members of the Business Group. Nominees shall only be installed as Business Group members following election by a simple-majority of all Regular Members who cast votes during said election. The Society Secretary shall conduct and oversee elections, and promptly report the results thereof to the membership at large by means of the Society’s website. For purposes of maintaining Society integrity and operational continuity, elections of Business Group members shall be undertaken in a manner that maintains an active quorum of at least 51% of those actively serving prior to an election. The intent is to maintain a working majority of the Business Group during each election cycle. 4.3 Composition and Term of Service. The Business Group shall consist of at least seven (7) persons, but not more than fifteen (15), with approximately equal representation from each of the two disciplines. The Business Group shall nominate and ratify, by a simple-majority vote, one (1) of its members to serve as Chair. Business Group Members shall hold their terms for a period of four (4) years, and may have their terms renewed following re-nomination, and re-election. 4.4 Duties and Responsibilities of the Business Group. The Business Group shall have powers and duties for the conduct and management of the Society’s affairs: including, overall determination of Society strategy; other business activities in furtherance of the Society’s development; control over the Society’s affiliations with other learned societies and non-member institutions; control over society’s conferences, symposia, and workshops; and, control over ISPA finances and business obligations. Except as provided for elsewhere in these Bylaws, the Business Group shall have an advisory and not an executive role vis-à-vis the journal Editorial Board. 4.5 Meetings of the Business Group. At a minimum, the Business Group shall hold a meeting of its members in conjunction with each biennial conference. Conference organizers shall set aside one (1) contiguous three-hour time period, exclusive of local travel time, for the meeting, with up to fifty-percent of that period available for an Executive Session (consisting only of Business Group Members and Officers) as indicated on the Agenda. Biennial meetings of the Business Group shall be open for attendance by all Regular Members. All Conference and event organizers shall attend the Business Group meeting occurring during the event they have organized. Notwithstanding the requirement for regular biennial meetings, the Business Group may conduct meetings as it sees fit, for the purposes of transacting affairs in a timely and efficient manner. Members may participate remotely in any meeting via electronic mail, telephonic or video-conferencing, or other electronic means. To promote effective participation, all Business Group members shall be notified, via electronic mail, 72 hours in advance of any scheduled meeting. Notwithstanding the requirement for open biennial meetings, the Business Group may, at its sole discretion, hold Executive Sessions closed to ALL persons not duly recognized as current Group members, or Officers for the purposes of discussing, resolving, and acting on sensitive, confidential, or other significant matters that affect the Society’s overall presence and strategy, business and financial operations, future conference activities, and journal operations. 4.6 Resolutions and Actions of the Business Group. Informal discussions among business group members, by whatever means, may occur, but no decision, resolution or action shall be deemed binding unless voted upon by a quorum of the Business Group which shall consist of at least fifty-one percent (51%) of its current membership, including those who participate remotely. Each member casting a vote must do so without proxy; no proxy votes shall be permitted. Unless specifically required by some other provision of these bylaws, a simple-majority vote of the Business Group members shall be sufficient for resolutions and actions to be binding, however, in the event of a tie vote, the motion fails. Resolutions and actions may be taken, and may be conducted in-person, or via electronic mail, telephonic or video-conference, or other electronic means of communication, but in every case, a quorum must have participated before a vote may be taken. Proposed resolutions may be voted on and instigated immediately. All actions and resolutions of the Business Group shall be memorialized in the Society’s records and communicated to Society members in a manner deemed appropriate, and shall occur at least once per year. Draft minutes of Biennial or special meetings shall be circulated to all Business Group members for corrections and comments for a period of forty (45) days, after which those minutes will be revised and recirculated for a thirty (30) day adoption period at which time they will be deemed true and correct. Officers 4.7 Officers. The Officers of the Society shall be a Chair of the Business Group; a Secretary of the Business Group; a Treasurer of the Business Group; a Managing Editor of the Journal; and, a Digital Media Director, who shall all be ISPA Regular Members. With the exception of the Chair of the Business Group, other Officers need not concurrently serve as members of the Business Group. Each officer shall have the authority and responsibility to conduct the affairs of their office consistent with these bylaws. Such duties and responsibilities as may accrue to a given Officeholder are independent and separate from any roles, duties, and responsibilities they may also have while concurrently serving as a member of the Business Group. For purposes of coordinating activities and responsibilities among Officers, the Business Group as a whole shall have the authority to make final determinations and adjudicate controversy. 4.8 Limitation on Number of Offices Held. Each of the offices described above shall be held by a separate individual; no individual or entity shall hold more than one (1) office concurrently. Notwithstanding this limitation, any Officer may, without violating these bylaws, also serve concurrently as a member of the Business Group, or as a member of the Editorial Board. In the event that any office is vacated or abandoned, the Business Group shall endeavor, as a first remedy, to fill such open office with a replacement officer who is not already an office holder. Where such first-remedy is unsuccessful, it shall be permissible, on a temporary basis, for a replacement officer to hold more than one office concurrently. 4.9 Term of Office. Officers of the Society shall hold their terms for a period of four (4) years. Officers may have their terms renewed following re-nomination, and confirmation by a simple-majority vote of the Business Group.
  • Article 5. Committees
    Conference, Symposia & Workshop Organizing Committees. 5.1 Eligibility and Membership. Members seeking to serve as members of an event organizing committee shall have participated in at least one (1) Society biennial Conference prior to seeking to organize an ISPA event. Organizing Committees shall consist of approximately equal representation from each of the society’s core disciplines. Nothing shall prevent Business Group members, Officers, or Editorial Board members from serving as event organizers. 5.2 Duties and Responsibilities of Event Organizers. Duties and responsibilities of event organizers include, but are not limited to: i) Identifying and proposing an event theme that investigates and deepens interdisciplinary understanding of issues at the intersection of the two core disciplines; ii) Developing and Preparing a Call for Papers (“CfP”); Securing appropriate and adequate funding; iv) Selecting and securing event venue and related event logistics, including event funding; v) Arranging for, inviting, and coordinating keynote speakers; vi) Securing participation of affiliate institutions; vii) Maintaining adequate and correct financial records and accounts of event funds, including their source; viii) Managing such funds in accord with the requirements of funders (i.e. academic institutions, research-funding-body, or other benefactors) and additional specific instructions issued by the Business Group (if any); ix) Guest editing regular or special issues of the journal, or other conference proceedings; x) Making progress reports to the Business Group regarding event planning. While all of the decisions and actions of Event Organizers are subject to scrutiny, review and comment by the Business Group, the following specific items require simple-majority confirmation for final approval: Event theme; Call for Papers; Event funding. In addition to their roles and responsibilities, Event Organizers expressly agree, as a pre-condition to their service, to adhere to all Society Bylaws, Business Group oversight and direction, properly authorized instructions of Officers, and all editorial and publishing policies promulgated by the Journal’s Managing Editor. Event Organizers may be removed, by a simple-majority vote of the Business Group for failure to adhere to these pre-conditions. 5.3 Meetings of Event Organizers. Organizing committees shall determine the frequency, manner and method by which they meet to discuss and implement the work. 5.4 Call(s) for Papers. Each Call for Papers shall invite, reflect, and speak to both disciplines. Conference keynotes shall be drawn equally from both fields, so for example, if there are four (4) keynote speakers, two (2) shall be from each discipline. 5.5 Submission of Conference Abstracts. Abstracts submitted for acceptance consideration shall not exceed the maximum length determined by conference organizers. Abstracts exceeding the maximum length may, at the discretion of conference organizers in consultation with Journal Editors, be rejected solely on that basis. 5.6 Submission Formats. All submissions for presentation at ISPA events, or publication in the Journal shall be formatted for double-blind review, in the form and manner prescribed by event organizers (e.g. RTF, .doc, .pdf ) and peer-reviewed in accordance with the relevant provisions of Article 8. To ensure the presumption of blind-review, ONLY a minimum of author contact information shall be solicited at the time abstracts are submitted for consideration. Upon acceptance for presentation at an event or publication in the Journal, a request may be made for more specific information about the author such as a Curriculum Vitae or professional resumé. 5.7 Editorial Role of Conference, Symposia & Workshop Organizers. Organizing committees of all ISPA conference, symposia, and workshops, in conjunction with the Managing Editor and Editors of ISPA’s journal shall have the final determination as to which papers among those submitted will be accepted for presentation. The event organizers and managing staff of the journal shall enlist members of the Business Group and the Editorial Board to assist in the review of abstracts submitted for consideration. While organizing committees share in the overall responsibility for determination of which papers will be accepted for presentation, it is not their sole prerogative. Ad Hoc Committees 5.8 Formation. The Business Group, in its sole discretion, may establish and oversee, as it deems necessary, any number of Ad Hoc and Special Committees to address Society issues and concerns. The purpose, duration, and composition of all Ad Hoc and Special Committees shall be determined by a simple-majority of the Business Group.
  • Article 9. Funds, Financial Matters & Contracts"
    9.1 Finances and Accounts. The Treasurer of the Business Group serves the role of maintaining the Society’s financial presence, shall have custody of, and be responsible for all funds of the Society, and deposit all funds in the name of the Society in such banks, or other depositories as authorized by the Business Group. Specific duties and responsibilities include, but are not limited to: i) Maintaining adequate and correct financial records and accounts of the Society’s assets, receipts, liabilities, and disbursements; ii) Collecting and depositing monies, dues, and other debts due the Society; Accepting and depositing contributions, donations, and bequests made to the Society; v) Signing checks and paying all debts properly incurred by the Society; vi) Disbursing funds for duly authorized purposes of the Society; vii) Presiding over regular and special meetings of the Business Group involving matters of a financial nature; All liabilities and expenditures shall be evidenced by written documentation, such as, contracts, purchase orders, vouchers, and invoices, and made available for inspection by Business Group members. 9.2 Budgets and Reports. The Treasurer shall keep and maintain a full and complete record of all funds received and all funds payed out, and all other financial matters of the Society, and shall prepare and present an annual report to the Business Group. In addition, the Treasurer shall prepare and present a proposed operating budget for the succeeding fiscal year, in a manner that facilitates informed and transparent decision-making. At its sole discretion, the Business Group may convene special meetings, in accordance with the relevant provisions of Article 4 to review, discuss and decide any financial matter affecting the Society. 9.3 Execution of Contracts. Within the bounds of prudence and reasonable judgment, no Officer, Business Group member, or Event Organizer shall make any commitment that binds, obligates, compels, or requires the Society to incur any financial expenditure or liability, unless such expenditure or liability has been properly authorized by the Business Group through a routine budgetary process, or by means of special authorization in accordance with the relevant provisions of Article 4. 9.4 Event Financial Management. In addition to the provisions of § 5.2, event and conference organizers shall keep Business Group informed of their financial planning and arrangements for their event, and shall submit to the Treasurer within 60 days of the close of the event a report of income and expenses for the event. The Treasurer, who shall be responsible for oversight of all Society funds, may request additional information and documentation from event organizers, as may be necessary for proper and reasonable accounting, and managerial transparency.
  • Article 6. Society Meetings and Conferences
    6.1 All Events. All ISPA sponsored events shall strive to give equal voice to both architecture and philosophy, and shall endeavor to foster interdisciplinary exchange and uphold the rigorous academic standards the Society promotes. Every event must strive to include both of the Society’s core disciplines, even though some events may allocate greater resources or focus more precisely on the discursive tradition of one or the other discipline. In no event, shall one discipline be promoted to the exclusion of the other. Biennial International Conferences. 6.2 Every two (2) years the Society shall organize and host a conference aimed at attracting a broad spectrum of international scholars from both disciplines focused on a theme specific to the advancement of the society’s aims. International Symposia, Workshops & Other Events. 6.3 Approval by Business Group. Symposia, workshops and similar events are encouraged to provide continuity between conferences. Any such event, to be considered an ISPA-sponsored event, shall have the simple-majority approval of the Business Group as to its general appropriateness, commitment to ISPA’s purposes and core values, specific theme, participation criteria, potential source(s) of financial support, and schedule. 6.4 Review Criteria. Given that one purpose of symposia and workshops is to attract and cultivate junior members of both of ISPA’s core disciplines, the criteria for the submission, review and acceptance of abstracts and papers need not be as stringent as that required in Article 8 for biennial conferences or journal publication. Symposia and workshop organizers shall have the responsibility to ensure that participation criteria uphold ISPA’s aim of attracting both disciplines, though such participation need not be on a numerically equal basis.
  • Article 7. Official Organs of the Society
    Journal of the ISPA 7.1 Name. The Society journal, one of its official organs, shall be called Architecture Philosophy. 7.2 Journal Editors. The Journal shall have One (1) Managing Editor, and one or more Editors, whose academic background may be either philosophic or architectural in nature, provided that the editorial team shall consist of equal representation from both disciplines. This editorial team shall be responsible for determining the contents of each issue of the journal, for the selection and editing of articles and other contributions, for continuity across journal issues, and for all linguistic, graphic, and technical matters pertaining to the format, composition, printing, and distribution of each issue. The Managing Editor may from time-to-time prepare and promulgate policies and procedures, with the supporting vote of the Business Group, to address issues and concerns that arise as to the effective operation of the editorial and publication process, including the selection and oversight of Guest Editors. While Guest Editors may participate in the preparation of regular or special issues of the journal, including selection and editing submissions, they shall do so at the express direction of the journal’s editorial team, and any policies or procedures promulgated by the Managing Editor. Consistent with the terms of Article 8, Event Organizers and Guest Editors expressly agree that they shall not undertake any separate efforts whatsoever to publish event presentations, keynote addresses, submissions, and other conference proceedings outside the purvey of the journal’s editorial team. 7.3 Editorial Board. The roles of the Editorial Board shall include acting as peer reviewers, suggesting non-member peer reviewers to the Editors, promoting the journal to potential authors and readers, and providing appropriate advice to the Editors who maintain final decision making authority. The Editorial Board shall consist of at least nine (9) persons, in good academic or professional standing, with equal (or nearly equal) representation from the philosophic and architecture communities. Future members of the Editorial Board shall be nominated/appointed by the Managing Editor, and shall only be installed as Editorial Board Members following ratification by a simple-majority of the Business Group membership. 7.4 Editorial Meetings & Management. The frequency, location and manner of editorial meetings shall be determined solely by the Managing Editor, and the Chair of the Editorial Board, in conjunction with the Editorial Board members. 7.5 Publisher. The Journal publisher shall be Oklahoma State University, who shall be deemed the copyright holder of all essays, articles and papers published in the Journal. The Journal, at the sole discretion of the Editorial Board, shall be published in hard- and/or soft-copy formats. The editorial team, in consultation with the Business Group, acting in an advisory capacity, reserves the right to contract for publication of the journal in an alternative partnership or affiliation. Website of the ISPA 7.6 Name. The official website of the Society shall be The website shall be maintained in a manner and method, using software and web services, deemed appropriate by the Digital Media Director, and Managing and Senior Editors of the Journal. 7.7 Purposes of Website and Other Digital Media. The website shall serve as the central organ for the administration of Society membership, endeavoring to facilitate exchange among the Society’s members; and function as a repository of those exchanges. Further, the website shall post all abstracts accepted for presentation at Society events, and when resources are available, it shall post all video lectures of Society sponsored events. 7.8 Management and Maintenance. The Digital Media Director serves the role of enabling and controlling the Society’s digital presence, and has the authority to determine how such presence is established, filtered, and delivered across digital networks. Specific responsibilities of this office include, but are not limited to: i) Developing and overseeing the Society’s digital strategy; ii) Leading the Society towards a consistent implementation of its digital presence; iii) Creating and managing digital content; iv) Overseeing the development and operation of the ISPA website; v) Driving the society’s digital outreach agenda; vi) Enabling connectivity between Society members; vii) Developing digital connectivity with affiliate organizations.
  • Article 2. Purposes
    2.1 ISPA Purposes: The Society is established exclusively for academic, research purposes. ISPA is dedicated to bridging the gap between architectural and philosophic discourse by: Promoting the exchange of ideas between the two disciplines; Facilitating the advancement of interdisciplinary knowledge relevant to both the philosophic and architectural communities; Fostering spirited and useful debate in a rigorous yet collegial atmosphere. The Society encourages its members to actively pursue academic research and creative practice at the intersection of the two disciplines, while placing a high value on the virtues of scholastic integrity and rigorous scholarship. The Society shall hold regular conferences, symposia, and workshops, and promote itself through its two principal organs—the ISPA Journal and the ISPA Website. 2.2 These Principles (Bylaws). These bylaws will serve as a framework for the governance of the Society, management of its activities, coordination of its ongoing operations, organization of regular and special events, and the control of the Society’s two principal organs. Further, these principles offer guidance to Society members as to their conduct relating to Society matters, including the conduct of its members, those serving in the Business Group, and those serving as organizers of regular and special events, and members of the Editorial Board.
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